My Astral Temple

22/11/2010 at 18:04 (Musings, Path, Ritual, Vision) (, , , )

While I have a fairly easy time entering other people’s temples, I didn’t seem to have my own. I had venues in my mind where I felt comfortable but they were rarely defined enough to be called a temple space. Therefore, for the past several weeks I have been constructing one for myself. This is what materialized.

A stone orb several kilometers in diameter, suspended in a azure cloudy sky without horizon, filled with churning nimbus white and black. The sun at perfect noon. This orb is covered on the top with a rainforest, vines hanging over the sides, some as thick as freeways. The bottom has a large hole in it, and water continuously pours out like a waterfall and falls “down” into infinity. The orb is held by four onyx chains extending to the cardinal points, each link as thick as a city block. The stone faces of the orb vary greatly in composition and climbing difficulty.

This orb is filled with chambers and pathways which all spiderweb from the central chamber and connect to the orb’s surface.

The main chamber is the size of a collossium and is spherical. It has a hole in the ceiling so sunlight may fill the chambers via reflective stone surfaces and a small lake on the bottom. This lake and the surface forest are filled with all manner of life, flora and fauna. At the center is a large suspended decagonal platform and connects to other smaller platforms in the space, which connect to the outside chambers. The central platform is where one can perform general tasks such as magik experiements and meditation, while the chambers are dedicated to specific tasks, thoughts, etc. The closer to the central platfrom it is, the more core the use is.

These platforms, chambers and pathways are always in a state of flux and are constantly changing, opening and closing as I evolve. In a way, the layout is not unlike the nervous system or brain, neurons connecting and changing. Some chambers I create, others I work to merely access. If two chambers are connected, they have a commonality, and if a chamber is an offshoot of another, it is an offshoot of whatever that first chamber contained.

This temple is built to be of equal use to me whether I am in my human or draconic form.

1 Comment

  1. Lady Cypher (Andrea) said,

    Your Temple seems as though it is your mind! Whether this comes from our subconcious, or elsewhere, it is a lovely place, useful to our evolution. ( Sorry about the syntax switch). Namaste!

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